The Packing List

The packing list seems like a simple thing but forget one little item and now you have a big problem.  So here is our list.  Each church/group might add or change some of these items.  But it is our recommendation that these items be considered when packing for YouthCon.  The temperature most likely will be

You’re Not Alone

Youth Ministry. What an overwhelming two words. Whether we are coordinating fun events, attending multiple basketball games in a night, or doing lesson prep, we are always busy. While most people only see us on Sunday or Wednesday, we seem to always feel like we are running around like chickens with our heads cut off!

Registration for YouthCon 2019 will be different from previous conventions.  Everyone will need to get a link to register FROM THEIR CHURCH’S LEAD YOUTH WORKER FIRST.  So please contact your lead youth worker if you are a parent who wants to register for YouthCon.  Please take some time to follow the step by step instructions below.  If you

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Registration for YouthCon 2019 will be different from previous conventions.  YOUTH WORKERS, you will need to register your group/church before parents can register their students.  Please take some time to follow the step by step instructions below.  If you have any questions please contact us at If you are a parent, student, or adult volunteer

  Wednesday, October 31 | 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Central Time Our Promo Packets have been sent out!  (let us know if you need more posters).  We are really excited to get all that information in your hands.   However, we realized two things. First, there was simply not enough space to put everything we wanted

Hello Potential Bloggers!

  Our ALL THINGS YOUTH BLOG is looking for youth workers to contribute to the blog! USMB Youth wants to resource, equip, and inspire youth workers from all walks of life.  So we are looking for youth workers who can bring a new perspective, different experience, and setting so we can begin to resource each

All About Fundraising

Fundraising.  It’s a thorn in the side of every youth worker.  It always seems you can never fundraise enough, and yet at the same time it seems like you never stop fundraising for something.  For me, I’m always looking for the best fundraising ideas.  The ones that require the least amount of work and the

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Dealing with Attendance (2 of 2)

 (Part 2 of 2) Build Your Own Check-In Station Cart By: Kyle Goings (Student Ministry Pastor of First MB Church in Wichita, KS) Taking attendance in most student ministries is usually a weakness.  Either it’s not being done, done poorly, or if it is being done it’s not utilized as best it can.  This two-part

Dealing with Attendance (1 of 2)

By: Kyle Goings (Student Ministry Pastor of First MB Church in Wichita, KS) (Part 1 of 2) Implementing Check-in Style Attendance in Your Student Ministry Taking attendance in most student ministries is usually a weakness.  Either it’s not being done, done poorly, or if it is being done it’s not utilized as best it can. 

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Speakers & Worship Band Preview

(This was first announced in our email newsletter, if you have not received our email please email us at We are excited for YOUTHCON ’19 and look for our promo pack in the mail shortly but in the meantime, we want to give you some heads up on who is going to be there. First, we

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(The Top 5 is our quick list of resources, recommendations, or reasons that we feel you should know). As of July of 2018 there are over 5 million different apps on iOS and Android.  And 4.77 billion people have a cell phone in the world.  So apps are a big deal.  We are going to

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7 Tips for Teaching Teenagers

By: Kyle Goings (Student Ministry Pastor of First MB Church in Wichita, KS) If you are a youth worker in any capacity the time comes when you have to teach them.  Either leading a discussion, doing a devotional, or even giving a full message/sermon.  Giving a full message or sermon can be a difficult skill

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