If you have ever spent some time on a farm in the Midwest you probably have heard of the phrase “crop rotation”.  It is a concept farmers have learned many many years ago.  Crop rotation is an agricultural practice where different types of crops are grown sequentially on the same plot of land across several

ChatGPT, Jasper, and other artificial intelligence are changing the world we live in and impacting the Church more than we know.  It’s taking over the education system (whether they like it or not), social media, and now creative circles like music or literature.  With youth ministries, we tend to be at the forefront of culture

If you work with adolescents (age 10 – 25) then we have something for you.  USMB NextGen offered a two-part webinar about understanding adolescents’ mental health.   Mental health is the top issue that is being discussed in our world today.  The worldwide pandemic has brought mental health even more to the forefront.  Today’s adolescents face a

Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept, it’s here and now. While most people think of AI as something only tech giants use, churches can benefit from using this technology too. But how do you make sure you’re getting the most out of AI while staying within the confines of biblical principles? Let’s

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