Embrace The Awkward Postcast!

Looking for a podcast to deal with those awkward moments of ministry?  I (Kyle) has partnered with another youth worker DJ Toelle (also a contributor to this blog) to bring about some helpful hints and tips each week so we all can HANDLE AWKWARD BETTER.  It’s a brand new adventure for both of us so

Zoom Games Ideas

COVID-19 has completely changed the ministry landscape, and more and more churches and ministries are moving to online programming.  It’s a new day and you are probably feeling like the rest of us – completely overwhelmed.  You don’t know where to start and you see that some ministries are moving to the “live model” using

Churches, businesses, and organizations are on a crossroads of change as these two generations (Millennials and Generation Z) are turning out to be vastly different from all generations before them.  Right now they represent 50% of the US population but they will be 100% of the future.  There is a new reality thought with almost

You are invited to USMB’s and The NationalYouth Workers Network’s next free webinar called Millennials & Gen Z: A Crossroads of Change. Almost 60% of Millennials (1980-1996) raised as Christians have walked away from the church and experts are expecting even higher numbers for Generation Z (1997-2012).  What can the church do to reverse this

(The Top 5 is our quick list of resources, recommendations, or reasons that we feel you should know). Finding ways to encourage students to bring their friends can be a constant struggle.  There are a lot of different ways a youth ministry could do outreach and many are successful.  With this post, however, we won’t

M.B. Youth Spirituality Documentary

FaithFront (USMB’s teenage leadership program) is creating a documentary on Mennonite Brethren Youth Spirituality. We have created a survey to help us in the research process of this project. We need your help to distribute this survey to students. Please forward the link below on to your students, we would appreciate it so much! Our

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Thank You YouthCon, From Tam

Dear YouthCon Students, First, I want to thank you all from the deepest part of my heart, for allowing me space and time to be with you and share my story. When I say I was deeply humbled to be in your presence, it is, by far, a true understatement. Secondly, I have been to

INCREDIBLE.  That is the only word that can even come close to what I feel after YouthCon 2019.  It is now three days after YouthCon and I am still overwhelmed with emotion; joy, exhaustion, and more.  It has taken this long just to start to process my experience but God is refueling me through it.

MB Youth Spirituality Survey

Mennonite Brethren Youth Spirituality Project FaithFront is producing a documentary on Mennonite Brethren Youth Spirituality. We have created a survey to help us in the research process of this project. Our purpose is to better understand students’ attitudes and feelings about faith, life, and church. We also want to know more about where students are

YouthCon Pre-Event Curriculum!

We want each youth ministry to get the most out of YouthCon so we created a “heart prep” curriculum to help your ministry prepare and debrief for YouthCon.  And of course, it’s completely customizable so you can use it however that works best for you and your ministry.   YouthCon Heart Prep: The YouthCon organizers are confident

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Need to Get Caught Up On All Our Info.?

We have had a weekly email go out about all things USMB Youth for the past six months.  Here is a quick recap of all the emails we have sent out so everyone is up to speed.  We know not everyone checks their email or reads every aspect of it, and this post is for

(The Top 5 is our quick list of resources, recommendations, or reasons that we feel you should know). Keeping your adult volunteers up-to-date and in the know can be a big strain of time and effort on any youth worker.  However, it’s a crucial aspect of every youth ministry.  We no longer live in an

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