We are continuing our discussion on the intersection between the Church and the world of video games.  Part one, our introduction and the popularity of video games, can be FOUND HERE.  Part Two: The Negative Side can be found HERE.   Let me share it with you upfront.  I am pro video games, I play video

We are continuing our discussion on the intersection between the Church and the world of video games.  Part one, our introduction and the popularity of video games, can be FOUND HERE.  Part Three: The Positive Side can be found HERE. I believe video games as an uncharted mission field.  It’s that simple.  And with any

If you work with adolescents (age 10 – 25) then we have something for you.  USMB NextGen offered a two-part webinar about understanding adolescents’ mental health.   Mental health is the top issue that is being discussed in our world today.  The worldwide pandemic has brought mental health even more to the forefront.  Today’s adolescents face a

Promoting events is always a struggle for youth workers. And one of the most important events that happen every year is summer camp.  Have you found yourself struggling with keeping up the promotional energy year after year?  Here are some tips and tricks to help keep your summer camp promotion excitable and impactful.  START EARLY

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