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The Youth Worker Exodus
According to a recent study, the average stay at a church in America is about four years for the senior pastor but only 2.5 years for the youth pastor. Including unpaid volunteer youth workers is down to 16-18 months. Think about high school students. They are there for 4 years and could possibly have 3
- Published in Free Download, Ideas, Podcast, Resources, usmb nextgen
Improving Your Preaching & Teaching
Every youth worker wants to be a better preacher and teacher. Every time I (Kyle) ask a youth worker what they want to improve in with their ministry – almost always near the top is to improve their preaching/teaching. It’s a crucial part of youth ministry and it’s a skill set that needs continued focus.
Horror Stories In Youth Ministry
Have you ever watched a movie or TV show and the characters are put into an awkward situation and it made you even cringe? Do you remember how awful that felt? Well sometimes in ministry we can experience the same awkward situations or even worse. Embrace the Awkward Podcast has a four-part series on “Horror
- Published in Ideas, Podcast, Training, Youth Worker Life
Embrace The Awkward Podcast – Episode 4: A Friendship of Pranks
In this episode, DJ and Kyle tell the tragic, painful, fry-tip filled story of how they met. Pranks are integral to youth ministry. Check out the funny story of how the Embrace the Awkward Podcast got started! The picture symbolizes a lasting memory that will forever link these two youth workers. If you have ever
- Published in Ideas, Leadership, Podcast