Every youth worker wants to be a better preacher and teacher. Every time I (Kyle) ask a youth worker what they want to improve in with their ministry – almost always near the top is to improve their preaching/teaching. It’s a crucial part of youth ministry and it’s a skill set that needs continued focus. Yes, some of it is a natural ability, but most of it is a skill set that comes from years of training, learning, and practicing. As youth workers, we need to continue to grow and be better teachers and preachers. Things like what illustrations should you use and how to use them, how to better memorize your messages, how to keep students engaged and listening to your every word, and how to grow in your confidence as a preacher/teacher.
A good preacher can influence many people, but so can a bad one. And with today’s online focus comes stiffer competition. Almost all churches are online somehow, then when you add social media into the mix it’s even more prevalent. All this means is people can watch sermons any time of day if they want. What will make your messages stand out? How will they be more engaging and more impactful?
I know from personal experience that the more confidence you are in your preaching the more confidence you have in other areas of your ministry. And success usually follows. Becoming a good preacher/teacher helps your ministry in more ways than you realize. It’s no longer enough just to preach the word of God, our society now has the expectation to preach the word of God well. If you think you need improvement we can help because we have been there. I personally have given some terrible messages and some really good ones; but over the years I have really tried to focus my preaching/teaching to increase engagement and impact and I have seen the positive effects of it the past couple of years.
Embrace The Awkward Podcast (a podcast I do with a fellow youth worker DJ Toelle) just finished a 4 part series focusing on practice tips and tricks to help youth workers improving the preaching/steaching skill sets. Each episode is about 30 minutes. If you have any questions contact or what some more direct help contact me (Kyle) at info@usmbyouth.com.
Click the titles below or search for episodes 27-30 wherever you listen to podcasts.
Part 1: Increasing Your Engagement.
What you say is important but how can you keep your audience interested more?
Part 2: Maximize Your Stage Time
How can you get the most of your time on stage? Tips and tricks to give better more engaging messages.
Part 3: Up Your Illustration Game
How to really make an impact with the illustrations you use in your messages.
Part 4: 10 Tips for Muli-Sensory Preaching
How to better preach and teach using more than just our sense of hearing.