Feel the beat, and find your rhythm at ASCENT! This year's theme is "Rhythm," and it's all about navigating those moments when life feels off-beat, out of sync, and you're caught in an unfamiliar tempo.
In a world that dances to an erratic rhythm, with no clear path to follow, it's easy to lose your footing. We often find ourselves either restless or overwhelmed. We hustle and bustle, filling our calendars to the brim, yet still feeling a void within. We drown ourselves in distractions and noise, searching for a melody that resonates with us.
This summer, we invite you to break free from the world's dissonant symphony and tune into a different rhythm—the Rhythm of the Lord. Join us as we explore the divine song that resonates with love, peace, and purpose. Let's synchronize our lives to the steady beat of Jesus' heart and harmonize with the soulful tune He has composed for each one of us. Let's discover the joyous rhythm of faith, hope, and love.