© 2017 USMB Youth. All rights reserved.
Thank You Youth Worker…
Dedicated Youth Workers and Volunteers, As you transition from an incredibly impactful and busy summer and face the task of planning for the upcoming school year, I’d like to take a moment to express my gratitude to each and every one of you. I know what’s it like being in the trenches. The work you
- Published in Leadership, Network, usmb nextgen, Youth Worker Life
USMB Youth Will Now Be…
When you work with teenagers, what works one year doesn’t always work the next. To be effective you must constantly be willing to adjust and change. For some, that much change is exciting, challenging, and enjoyable. To others, it is scary, and difficult, and may even freak them out. At USMB Youth, we never want
- Published in ASCENT, Leadership, Network, News, usmb nextgen
M.B. Youth Spirituality Documentary
FaithFront (USMB’s teenage leadership program) is creating a documentary on Mennonite Brethren Youth Spirituality. We have created a survey to help us in the research process of this project. We need your help to distribute this survey to students. Please forward the link below on to your students, we would appreciate it so much! Our
- Published in Fatihfront, Network, USMB, Youth Worker Life
Need to Get Caught Up On All Our Info.?
We have had a weekly email go out about all things USMB Youth for the past six months. Here is a quick recap of all the emails we have sent out so everyone is up to speed. We know not everyone checks their email or reads every aspect of it, and this post is for
- Published in Membership, Network, Project:Serve, USMB, YouthCon