(Here is part three of our list of tips for short-term mission trips.  CLICK HERE for part one and CLICK HERE for part two) The initial set of tips I’ve shared focuses on pre-trip preparations and ensuring your team is ready and able to reach your destination. Now, I’d like to pivot to advice for

THEME: RHYTHM Feel the beat, and find your rhythm at ASCENT! This year’s theme is “Rhythm,” and it’s all about navigating those moments when life feels off-beat, out of sync, and you’re caught in an unfamiliar tempo.  In a world that dances to an erratic rhythm, with no clear path to follow, it’s easy to

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We are continuing our discussion on the intersection between the Church and the world of video games.  To catch up visit Part One (introduction), Part Two (Negative Side), and Part Three (Positive Side), Part Four (A New Mindset) to stay up-to-date. I have stated many times before that I believe video games are an uncharted mission field, and

Are you a church struggling to find a summer intern this year or even every year?  The Leadership Pipeline wants to give you some practical help, so we created this tip list on how to increase your chances of finding an intern.  But remember this is no guarantee to find an intern only to help