Need to Get Caught Up On All Our Info.?

We have had a weekly email go out about all things USMB Youth for the past six months.  Here is a quick recap of all the emails we have sent out so everyone is up to speed.  We know not everyone checks their email or reads every aspect of it, and this post is for

  Wednesday, October 31 | 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Central Time Our Promo Packets have been sent out!  (let us know if you need more posters).  We are really excited to get all that information in your hands.   However, we realized two things. First, there was simply not enough space to put everything we wanted

The USMB Youth App is HERE!!!

That’s right we have an app!  One more way where students and youth workers from USMB Youth workers can connect, find resources, and stay up-to-date with news and events throughout the year.  We know not everyone has the ability to use on their computers, so we decided to provide an app to make it

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By: Kyle Goings (Student Ministries Pastor at First MB Church in Wichita, KS) Welcome to the All Things Youth Blog.  This is where we will share out ideas, dialogue, give updates on our ministries and upcoming events and more.  When we say “All Things” we mean everything that we can possibly think of.  As we