Leading a youth ministry is like being the coach of a spiritual all-star team. Sure, you’ve got the playbook (it’s called the Bible, folks), but getting your small group leaders to step up their game and grow deeper spiritually can sometimes feel like herding caffeinated squirrels. Fear not, fearless youth worker! Below are some creative

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Getting ready for ASCENT?  Here is everything you need to know to make sure your group is ready. THE PACKING LIST Here is everything you need to know about what to bring to ASCENT. Feel free to send this to your group.  Try to remember to pack your trailer or bus with one side, males

The USMB Youth App is HERE!!!

That’s right we have an app!  One more way where students and youth workers from USMB Youth workers can connect, find resources, and stay up-to-date with news and events throughout the year.  We know not everyone has the ability to use tUSMByouth.com on their computers, so we decided to provide an app to make it

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By: Kyle Goings (Student Ministry Pastor of First MB Church in Wichita) We are doing something different this year.  Every year we usually take about 20 adult leaders to our summer camps.  A lot of amazing ministry happens during these weeks but it also takes a lot of work and commitment from our adult leaders.