(Here is part three of our list of tips for short-term mission trips.  CLICK HERE for part one and CLICK HERE for part two) The initial set of tips I’ve shared focuses on pre-trip preparations and ensuring your team is ready and able to reach your destination. Now, I’d like to pivot to advice for

(This is part 2 of a series about mission trips; if you are looking for tips before the trip, CLICK HERE) Embarking on short-term mission trips can be a transformative experience for the communities you aim to serve and for your own spiritual and personal growth. These journeys, often filled with moments of challenge, learning,

You’re likely here because you’re either gearing up for a mission trip or contemplating one. I’m eager to share the insights from my own journeys with you. With 20 years in youth ministry under my belt and participation in over 15 short-term mission trips—11 of which I led—I’ve amassed considerable experience.  I am not trying

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Travel Tips to ASCENT

As you are getting ready for ASCENT your to-do list might seem to be getting longer rather than shorter and it seems overwhelming.  We don’t want to add to your plate but here are a few travel tips to keep in mind while you are preparing for ASCENT.   Send a Packing List to Parents

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