Youth workers, let’s be real for a second. Ministry is amazing, but it’s also exhausting. Between late-night texts from students, last-minute sermon rewrites, and somehow always being in charge of stacking chairs, it’s easy to run on empty. But here’s the truth: you can’t pour into others if your own soul is running on fumes.

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If you’re looking for up-to-date insights on Gen Z and Gen Alpha, we’ve compiled the latest research into a concise, easy-to-use format. You’ll find this information available in a presentation, handouts, and a PowerPoint PDF—all designed to equip you with valuable knowledge for your ministry.  These resources are free to use, but we kindly ask

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Leading a youth ministry is like being the coach of a spiritual all-star team. Sure, you’ve got the playbook (it’s called the Bible, folks), but getting your small group leaders to step up their game and grow deeper spiritually can sometimes feel like herding caffeinated squirrels. Fear not, fearless youth worker! Below are some creative

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Are you starting out in youth ministry?  Maybe you’re just a volunteer and have no idea where all these other youth workers get ideas.  I would love to tell you we all are just that creative but the honest answer is we “steal ideas” from each other all the time.  Stealing might be too harsh,

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