The Network Introduction

By: Russ Claassen (Director of The Network) The Network! Experience a group of like-minded, passionate youth workers from across the U.S. Our goal is to CONNECT, DEVELOP, and RESOURCE youth workers-full-time, part-time & volunteer. We invite you to a community of passionate youth workers who share one another’s burdens and inspire each other to keep

By: Kyle Goings (Student Ministries Pastor at First MB Church in Wichita, KS) Welcome to the All Things Youth Blog.  This is where we will share out ideas, dialogue, give updates on our ministries and upcoming events and more.  When we say “All Things” we mean everything that we can possibly think of.  As we

5 Ways to Build a Deeper Community

Dynamically enhance client-centered intellectual capital without virtual supply chains. Continually reinvent end-to-end total linkage for intermandated strategic theme areas

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Seamlessly deploy installed base action items for user-centric quality vectors. Professionally facilitate excellent