Recruiting adult volunteers for youth ministry can be a daunting task. It requires careful planning, lots of encouragement, and a welcoming attitude to build a strong team.  There are so many lists of good ideas. What if you hear some of the worst ones?  If you want to struggle in ministry alone, limit your impact,

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(This is part 2 of a series about mission trips; if you are looking for tips before the trip, CLICK HERE) Embarking on short-term mission trips can be a transformative experience for the communities you aim to serve and for your own spiritual and personal growth. These journeys, often filled with moments of challenge, learning,

YouthCon Pre-Event Curriculum!

We want each youth ministry to get the most out of YouthCon so we created a “heart prep” curriculum to help your ministry prepare and debrief for YouthCon.  And of course, it’s completely customizable so you can use it however that works best for you and your ministry.   YouthCon Heart Prep: The YouthCon organizers are confident

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(The Top 5 is our quick list of resources, recommendations, or reasons that we feel you should know). Keeping your adult volunteers up-to-date and in the know can be a big strain of time and effort on any youth worker.  However, it’s a crucial aspect of every youth ministry.  We no longer live in an

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