Free Monthly Download

Every month we will make available a free download from USMB Youth.  Some will be actual files and others will be links for free stuff!  The goal is so you don’t have to spend extra time or resources finding things for youth ministry.  Feel free to contact if you have a resource you would like

Churches, businesses, and organizations are on a crossroads of change as these two generations (Millennials and Generation Z) are turning out to be vastly different from all generations before them.  Right now they represent 50% of the US population but they will be 100% of the future.  There is a new reality thought with almost

YouthCon Pre-Event Curriculum!

We want each youth ministry to get the most out of YouthCon so we created a “heart prep” curriculum to help your ministry prepare and debrief for YouthCon.  And of course, it’s completely customizable so you can use it however that works best for you and your ministry.   YouthCon Heart Prep: The YouthCon organizers are confident

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(The Top 5 is our quick list of resources, recommendations, or reasons that we feel you should know). As of July of 2018 there are over 5 million different apps on iOS and Android.  And 4.77 billion people have a cell phone in the world.  So apps are a big deal.  We are going to

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