ASCENT Photo & Video Bank

We have started to collect photos and videos from anyone who attended ASCENT and we need your help!  Below are some links where we are asking people to upload any photos and videos they think are good to share.  And we even uploaded all of the white water rafting pictures from our trip!  Our goal

Free Monthly Download

Every month we will make available a free download from USMB Youth.  The goal is so you don’t have to spend extra time or resources finding things for your youth ministry.  Feel free to contact us if you have a resource you would like to share at   Free Real-Life Fornite Nerf Night Fortnite has

Every youth worker wants to be a better preacher and teacher.  Every time I (Kyle) ask a youth worker what they want to improve in with their ministry – almost always near the top is to improve their preaching/teaching.  It’s a crucial part of youth ministry and it’s a skill set that needs continued focus. 

Free Monthly Download

Every month we will make available a free download from USMB Youth.  Some will be actual files and others will be linked for free stuff!  The goal is so you don’t have to spend extra time or resources finding things for youth ministry.  Feel free to contact if you have a resource you would like