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How to Better Promote for Summer Camp
Promoting events is always a struggle for youth workers. And one of the most important events that happen every year is summer camp. Have you found yourself struggling with keeping up the promotional energy year after year? Here are some tips and tricks to help keep your summer camp promotion excitable and impactful. START EARLY
- Published in ASCENT, Ideas, Parents, Training, Youth Worker Life
Late Nite Options for ASCENT
ASCENT’s late nights will be sponsored by Fresno Pacific and Tabor College and each night we got something pretty amazing planned. Each night we always end with something fun and surprising. Feel free to check out all the options below: Moonlight Madness | Wednesday, June 16 | 9:30pm This will be one crazy night full
- Published in ASCENT, Senior High
ASCENT Price Announced
As most of you know, the event of YouthCon is no longer happening in the every-four-years format. You can read all about it here. But instead, we are excited to announce something has risen in its place. A NATIONAL summer camp for high school students that happens every year called ASCENT. To learn what is