Churches, businesses, and organizations are on a crossroads of change as these two generations (Millennials and Generation Z) are turning out to be vastly different from all generations before them. Right now they represent 50% of the US population but they will be 100% of the future. There is a new reality thought with almost 60% of Millennials (1980-1996) raised as Christians have walked away from the church and experts are expecting even higher numbers for Generation Z (1997-2012). What can we do to reverse this trend? For these two webinars, we looked at the latest research and tried to analyze what should we do to have a greater impact on future generations.
Better understanding leads to a bigger impact.
Click below to watch the recording of the webinar and also the corresponding PowerPoint in PDF format. Feel free to use it as you or your staff’s personal resource. If you would like to use them in a different setting or want the direct Powerpoint file please request permission by emailing Pastor Kyle at
Part 1: Defining the Generations
In order to effectively reach these young people, we must learn more about them, recognizing differences between previous generations and each other. Distinct characteristics and challenges facing each generation will be analyzed and discussed.
(Click on the logo for the recording)
Part 2: Digging Deeper
Armed with the latest information, we will engage in an open discussion regarding how ministries can effectively impact these generations. Moving beyond church programs/social media strategies, we will discuss practical ministry ideas and hear what some churches are doing to reach these generations.
(Click on the logo for the recording)
In week 2 I mentioned the Churchome app, find it
Brought to you by USMB YOUTH:
Kyle Goings is the national director of USMB Youth and is also the Student Ministries Pastor at First MB Church in Wichita, Kansas. Russ Claassen is the director of the USMB Youth Workers Network and also the Southern District Youth Minister.
Links & Resources Mentioned in the Webinars (click on the link):