“The Lord replied, “I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest – everything will be fine for you.”  Exodus 33:14 (NLT) I personally have just completed my first sabbatical.  I have been doing full-time youth ministry for 19 years now and my church was so supportive to grace me with

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Our ALL THINGS YOUTH BLOG is looking for people who are passionate for youth and leadership to be contributors! USMB Youth wants to resource, equip, and inspire youth workers from all walks of life.  So we are looking for passionate people who can bring a fresh perspective and different experiences to share and resources our

Horror Stories In Youth Ministry

Have you ever watched a movie or TV show and the characters are put into an awkward situation and it made you even cringe?  Do you remember how awful that felt?  Well sometimes in ministry we can experience the same awkward situations or even worse.  Embrace the Awkward Podcast has a four-part series on “Horror

Embrace The Awkward Postcast!

Looking for a podcast to deal with those awkward moments of ministry?  I (Kyle) has partnered with another youth worker DJ Toelle (also a contributor to this blog) to bring about some helpful hints and tips each week so we all can HANDLE AWKWARD BETTER.  It’s a brand new adventure for both of us so