Embrace The Awkward Postcast!

Looking for a podcast to deal with those awkward moments of ministry?  I (Kyle) has partnered with another youth worker DJ Toelle (also a contributor to this blog) to bring about some helpful hints and tips each week so we all can HANDLE AWKWARD BETTER.  It’s a brand new adventure for both of us so

Zoom Games Ideas

COVID-19 has completely changed the ministry landscape, and more and more churches and ministries are moving to online programming.  It’s a new day and you are probably feeling like the rest of us – completely overwhelmed.  You don’t know where to start and you see that some ministries are moving to the “live model” using

YouthCon Pre-Event Curriculum!

We want each youth ministry to get the most out of YouthCon so we created a “heart prep” curriculum to help your ministry prepare and debrief for YouthCon.  And of course, it’s completely customizable so you can use it however that works best for you and your ministry.   YouthCon Heart Prep: The YouthCon organizers are confident

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All About Fundraising

Fundraising.  It’s a thorn in the side of every youth worker.  It always seems you can never fundraise enough, and yet at the same time it seems like you never stop fundraising for something.  For me, I’m always looking for the best fundraising ideas.  The ones that require the least amount of work and the

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