WIFI & Cell Signal

Important Update for ASCENT Camp 2024

We are thrilled about our new location for ASCENT camp at Camp W.O.W. in Stuart, OK!  Some of the key highlights of these new changes are

  • Exclusive use of the entire camp (no more sharing with other groups)
  • Air-conditioned in ALL buildings!
  • Extra space for workshops, sessions, and prayer stations
  • All for a less expensive price!

However, it also comes with changes we want everyone to know about concerning WIFI, reception, and cell phone usage.

Important Communication Information:

  • Limited Cell Phone Signal: Please be aware that cell phone reception is very limited at the camp. AT&T users may have slightly better service than Verizon, but we cannot guarantee reliable cell phone reception.
  • Restricted WIFI Access: Only approved adults (like the Main Youth Worker from each Church) will have access to the camp’s WIFI. Students will not be given the WIFI password. The bandwidth is limited, and we need to ensure stable connectivity for our tech booth during sessions.

We understand that limited connectivity may be inconvenient for some, but we believe this will enhance the “real camp experience.” It provides an excellent opportunity for students to disconnect from technology, forge new friendships face-to-face, and fully embrace our camp theme of “Rhythm”—finding a balance between work, rest, technology, and personal interaction.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.  If you have any questions, please get in touch with Kyle at info@usmbnextgen.com.

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