You are not alone, you have a tribe. Connect and participate with a group of like-minded youth workers from across the U.S. Join the community of full-time, part-time, and volunteer youth workers.


Connect with people around the country who share the same values, passions and ministry. You will find encouragement and camaraderie in these relationships.

Develop through relevant training and coaching for personal and leadership growth.

Access resources such as curriculum, games, event ideas, leader training, counseling helps, templates, teaching tools, etc.

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- Discounted registration for USMB Youth events
- Access to our resource bank
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- No membership fee

Identitying and investing in emerging leaders for vocational ministry.

ASCENT is our Annual National Camp Experience or high school students. This event is a creative mix of powerful worship music, exciting Bible study, dynamic speakers, creative workshops, and challenging ministry opportunities.

Check out our new ASCENT page!

Annual National High School Camp Experience