ASCENT Story: Emcee Perspective

Hello Youth Workers, 

My name is Jenn Tarbutton and I was one of the emcees on stage at ASCENT. I started working at Ridgepoint Church (formally known as First MB Church, Wichita) as Middle School Director in August of 2020. I started working with USMB Youth last November and I have been a part of the planning team since. I was asked by the ASCENT planning team if I would be interested in emceeing this year’s ASCENT camp. Of course, I said yes! I enjoyed going up on stage showing my goofy side and connecting with many leaders and students during this week of camp. 

My favorite part as emcee was when students drank all the different mixtures of drinks that Mike and I have made for one of our stage games. I also appreciated the patience and flexibility everyone had when we had to change schedules. This week had its challenges but also its praises. 

This year as we embraced the challenges that came with 2020 we were finally able to go to camp. After planning ASCENT for nearly over a year we arrived in Glorieta, NM. Different from YouthCon when we were last at Glorieta we were on a different side of the camp. Prior to camp, the planning team knew that things can change, there could be challenges and but overall the Lord will do His work at camp in our student’s lives. Well, things definitely changed and we for sure faced some challenges, but God was ever so faithful to us in the midst of everything that was coming our way. 

We had many schedules and time changes that we all had to adjust to, we had no AC, no coffee in the shops, and even a power outage. All of us on the planning team worked around all of these different changes and did our best to keep camp at a steady pace. We still felt the heaviness of one thing happening after another. With no AC we bought and consumed over 3000 water bottles. Thankfully we were able to provide enough water for leaders, students, band members, our speaker, and even an illusionist! God provided in more ways than one this week of camp and all praise goes only to Him. We thank all the sponsors, colleges, churches, pastors, leaders, and students who helped make this year’s ASCENT possible. 





Jenn Tarbutton

USMB Youth & ASCENT 2021 Emcee


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