These are seminars or workshops with a purpose. They are designed to begin the discussion on how youth can make an impact on the world around them. Youth will hear stories of how God is at work all around the world, how finding their identity is directly connected to their mission on this earth and more.
Friday, April 6
9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Labs Set 1
11:00 – 12:30 p.m. Labs Set 2
Click the location to see it on the map or CLICK HERE to view the whole map.
How is the Church Called To Hear the Poor?
Holcomb Room 201 | LAB 1 Only | By Vicencia Adundis
An invitation to a respectful discussion on the topic of immigration and the poor and how biblical theology provides grounds for the church to be intricately participating in welcoming the stranger and the refugee.
Bio: Vicencia was born and raised in Fresno, CA. She is a first generation Mexican American. She works full-time at Fresno Pacific University and is a part-time graduate student at Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary, where she is pursuing a Master of Arts in Community Leadership & Transformation. Vicencia is a shark-bite survivor; it’s not her proudest moment, but to make things even crazier, it happened in the desert! She loves living life in the outdoors, and has lost count how many times she has hiked up Half Dome in Yosemite National Park in the middle of the night. She does not have a spouse (yet), thus, no offspring. However, she is dating the sweetest redheaded and freckly human in California.
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work: How Can You Prepare For a Different World
Holcomb Room 304 | LAB 1 Only | Rick Bartlet
Join Tabor College teacher of Ministry Entrepreneurship and Innovation as we look at new inventions and trends in the world of AI and work. How to best prepare yourself for a job where you won’t be replaced by a robot.
Bio: Rick is the director of the Tabor College MA degree in Ministry Entrepreneurship and Innovation, helping students see a need and fill it in their local context. He’s been married to Karen for 33 years and they have two children in college. In his spare time, Rick can be found running or playing X-box. He and Karen live in Wichita, KS.

Your Brain on Porn
Moody Chapel (back) | LAB 1 & 2 | By Brady Bergman
During this lab I will explain neuro-plasticity and the physiological changes that occur within the brain when pornography is consumed by the adolescent/young adult. The main idea for this lab is that God does not make a list of rules for us to abide by to ruin our fun. He is a good, good Father and loves us very much. His rules are for our health and protection. The bible spoke of transformation of the mind long before psychologists and neurologists ever discovered neurons and moldability of the brain. Along with highlighting these factors I also hope to show that the bible is true and science is confirming it more every day.
Athletics, Our Identities & Missions
Holcomb Room 102 | LAB 1 & 2 | By Joanna Chapa & Katie Mount
How can I take the best of the athletic gifts that God has given me and use them for His glory? Join missionaries (and athletes!) Joanna Chapa & Katie Mount to consider that very thing for yourselves!
Bio: Katie and Joanna are two friends that have journeyed as sisters on the call that Jesus has invited them to for the past 11 years. They like to laugh and enjoy life with the community of people around them. Katie currently lives in Thailand and Joanna lives in Peru, both coming alongside what God is doing in these beautiful countries.
Faith and Finance
Holcomb Room 209 | LAB 1 & 2 | By Jon C. Wiebe
This interactive workshop will explore the intersect of our money with our faith. Whether we have much or little, our money & the use of it, can serve to reinforce our faith testimony, or distract from it. Come and hear stories of transformation, share your own stories, consider your identity related to money, and be challenged to make an impact on the world.
Bio: Jon has been providing leadership to MB Foundation for over 21 years and has a heart for helping individuals and ministries honor God with their finances. He earned a B.A. from Tabor College and an M.B.A. from the University of Denver. Jon lives in Hillsboro KS and attends Parkview MB Church with his wife Ellynne. They have two boys, Matthew and Joshua. In his spare time Jon enjoys spending time with his family and cattle ranching.
You = The Best Youth Worker Ever! (Youth Workers Only)
Holcomb Foyer (Preschool side) | LAB 1 Only | By Russ Claassen
<Youth Workers Only> Let’s explore some of the most important traits and characteristics of today’s youth worker. How can you become the best youth worker ever!?!
Bio: Russ is the District Youth Minister for the Southern District and Youth Pastor at Koerner Heights MB Church plus the director of the National Youth Worker Network.
What Are The Chances That You Are Supporting Slavery? You Might Be Surprised!
Holcomb Room 203 | LAB 1 & 2 | By Kevin Dueck
In our modern world, we are learning a lot about where products that we purchase actually come from and who is producing them. We will explore where our everyday products come from and talk about how we know if a sale is a good deal or is actually employing another slave. What should our response and responsibility to this be?
Bio: Kevin lives in Fresno, CA. He has several names that he responds to: a follower of Jesus, Husband, Father of 4, Teacher, Mentor and Coach. He is passionate about the next generation and curious about what they think. He loves photography, remodeling houses, being outside and mentoring.
What Are You Worth? Defining Human Value
New Mexico Hall M | LAB 1 & 2 | By Rhonda Dueck
TRUE or FALSE: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (people) are created equal. Join me on an investigation of what the US Constitution, slavery, mass incarceration, racism, media, and Christianity have to say about the worth of a person.
Bio: Rhonda is passionate about equipping and developing others. She is an Associate Pastor at North Fresno Church and the director of the Micah Project, a leadership development urban ministry program for young adults in their 20s. ( Rhonda is committed to justice, mercy, love and partnering with others to help bring Shalom to the world. Rhonda is married to Kevin and they have four children. She loves to spend time camping at the beach, throwing parties, meeting people for coffee and cheering for the SF Giants.
What Does It Mean to Bear The Image of God Today?
Holcomb Room 401 | LAB 1 & 2 | By Wade French
We live in a technological age where we more quickly compare ourselves to others than we turn to God to answer the questions of who we are and what we are created for. We will discuss what it means to bear God’s image, how we live that truth out today, and the way social media complicates this task. (Don’t worry, I won’t tell you that you have to delete your snapchat). Join me for an enrichening discussion.
Bio: Wade works as the Assistant Director of Seminary Admissions at Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary (FPBS) and will be receiving his Master of Arts in Old Testament from FPBS in one year. He lives in Fresno California with his wife, Sirley, and their cat (K.K.) and dog (Max). For fun he enjoys backpacking, playing board games, and watching movies.
Ask Anything Panel: Love, Sex, & Dating
New Mexico Hall (Gameroom) | LAB 1 & 2 | Led by Kyle Goings
There might be some things you want to know and are worried about asking–well, not here! We’re ready with answers! This panel of leaders is all about answering ANY of the questions that you have about love, sex, and dating from a Biblical perspective. No judgment, just getting down to it.
Bio: Kyle and his wife Katie has two lovey and high energy daughters. He is the Student Ministries Pastor at First MB Church in Wichita, KS and the national director of USMB Youth. Movie guru, sports fanatic, and video game connoisseur.
Live With, Learn About, Care About Your Mental Health
Moody Chapel (Right Side) | LAB 1 & 2 | By Pearl Heppner
Discussion on living with, learning about, and caring about youth mental health issues including anxiety, depression, ADHD, bipolar, suicide, etc. Come join the conversation whether you personally struggle with these things or want to be a better friend to those who do.
Bio: Pearl grew up on a farm near the city of Saskatoon in Saskatchewan, Canada. She has a bachelors degree in social work. She worked as a CPS social worker as well as a Peace Officer in the Provincial Correctional System. She moved to Fresno, California to pursue her masters degree in marriage, family and child counseling at the MB Biblical Seminary. Presently She lives in Fresno where she is the Executive Director of Family Foundations Counseling Services. They are a nonprofit corporation that provides school-based mental health services with Fresno Unified School District. She attends North Fresno MB Church. She loves spending time with her fur family as well as friends. She enjoys traveling, photography, music, pottery, painting, yard work and home projects.
Prayers That Make a Difference
Holcomb Room 302 | LAB 1 & 2 | By Jana Hildebrandt
Want to pray prayers that change the world? Want to learn what Jesus prayed for? See the Lord’s Prayer in a whole new way that can change you and the way you pray.
Bio: Jana is married to a great guy and has 2 awesome sons and daughters-in-law. She survived a volcano eruption which totally messed up her senior year of high school. Prayer was not fun for her until the last few years when the Holy Spirit brought new life to her prayers.
The Bible Beyond The Basics
Holcomb Room 205 | LAB 1 & 2 | By Melanie Howard
Where did the Bible come from? Who wrote it? What’s a TaNaKh? Come learn with a college Bible professor from Fresno Pacific University about the parts of the Bible and how to make sense of them. This lab will let participants explore the various parts of the Bible and begin developing a foundational understanding of what is in the Word of God. No prior knowledge needed
Bio: Dr. Melanie Howard is an Assistant Professor and Program Director of Biblical and Theological Studies at Fresno Pacific University where she teaches several courses on the New Testament. She and her husband, Jeremiah, are involved in a variety of leadership capacities at their church, Willow Avenue Mennonite Church (formerly College Community Church Mennonite Brethren). An East-coast native, Dr. Howard has fallen in love with California sunshine, and she loves her daily run with her rescue dog, Buddy.
Finding Your Voice to Share Your Faith
Moody Chapel (Left Side | LAB 1 & 2 | By Stephen Humber
A very practical and personal equipping time for learning to share your testimony, and also a simple gospel illustration. We’ll practice, practice, practice…and you’ll gain confidence. It’ll be fun!
Bio: Stephen lives and works from Denver, Colorado. He is Regional Mobilizer for Multiply. Basically, he is like a spiritual arsonist. He gets to light spiritual fires see what happens in people’s hearts. When he’s not “working,” he wants to be on a river, fly fishing, or teaching people how to do it!
Life After High School: Preparing Your Heart and Mind for the Future
New Mexico Hall (Fountain Room) | LAB 1 & 2 | By Derek Kliewer and Donya Anderson
Come join two college admission counselors in a discussion on the options that await you after high school. Whether you want to go to college, find a job, or take a year off and travel, it is important to start thinking and planning for your future. We will also go over the insider information you need to know in order to apply for college from an admission counselor perspective!
Bio: Derek is an Undergraduate Admissions Counselor at Fresno Pacific University. He graduated from FPU in 2015 with a degree in Biblical and Religious Studies and has grown up in the MB church in the Central Valley of California. Derek and his wife, Allison, met at FPU and now call Fresno their home.
Donya is an Admissions Counselor at Tabor College. She is originally from Oklahoma, BOOMER SOONERS, but now she lives in Kansas. Jesus is her day one, she LOVES to laugh and make other people laugh. If you want to make her happy, give her a Dr. Pepper!
The World’s Most Dangerous Bible Study!
Holcomb ROom 403 | LAB 1 & 2 | By Wendell Loewen and Leah Remboldt
Do you dare to engage culture? Learn how to get contemporary music and the Bible talking to each other!
Bio: Wendell Loewen teaches at Tabor College in the areas of youth, church, and culture. He also directs FaithFront – a leadership program for high school students. Wendell, a youth ministry lifer, has been a past YouthCon co-director. If he has spare time, he loves playing golf. Wendell and his wife Shelly live in Hillsboro, Kansas.
Ninja Prayer Warriors! Listening & Speaking The Father’s Heart
New Mexico Hall D | LAB 1 & 2 | By Bob and Kelly Pankratz
Do you desire to experience/hear the Father’s voice? Join us in listening to how the Holy Spirit desires to speak to/through you to a world hungering to know the Father’s love.
Bio: Bob & Kel have 4 amazing kids and enjoy being newly empty nesters. They started The Oasis Ranch & Retreat Center and serve alongside of Multiply in mobilizing. They love to encourage followers of Jesus to live on mission wherever he is inviting them & have a passion to raise up prayer warriors for the Kingdom.
Worship: Encountering Jesus
New Mexico Hall Worship Room | LAB 1 & 2 | By Presence Worship Team
Worship is simply encountering Jesus and responding to who He is! One avenue of worship is through music. Our purpose during this lab will be to explore several different ways to worship Jesus through music. We do this in congregational worship, quiet times, singing Scripture, and singing new songs to the Lord. Join us as we explore some of these avenues and encounter Jesus!
Bio: YouthCon’s worship band based out of Wichita, KS.
OUR Political Party: Christians and Political Identity
Holcomb Room 101 | LAB 1 Only | By Trent Voth
Trump… congress… voting… anthem kneeling… we are living through a unique moment in history. So, how should Christians engage in politics? How should we treat the flag? Is there a political party we Christians ought to support? What are the political teachings the Church passes on to us? This lab focuses on how Christians are political and what it means for us today.
Bio: Trent Voth grew up as an MB in Kansas and pastored in California. He’s studied at Tabor, Fresno Pacific and is now a PhD candidate in Biblical Studies at the University of Toronto. This is his 5th YouthCon and 4th facilitating labs.
Living The Dream!
Patio (between coffee shops, top) | LAB 1 & 2 | By Ricky Sanchez
From the drug & gang-infested streets of Oakland to the jungles & megacities of South East Asia…come hear how God is changing lives for eternity!
Bio:Ricky was born and raised in Oakland, CA. he and his family have been living in Thailand for the last 20 years. Ricky is focused on rescuing people from sex trafficking, empowering orphans to change the world, and starting new churches where there are no believers! He loves playing and watching sports especially his hometown Oakland teams like the Warriors! Ricky is married to an incredible woman named Karen, who is the founder and director of the abundant life home, an orphanage for children with HIV/AIDS. Ricky has 4 beautiful daughters who all love Jesus, are smart, athletic and tall… oh ya and single! He is currently taking applications for the right to talk to his daughters!
My Place in God’s Mission
Holcomb Room 207 | LAB 1 & 2 | By Danae and Kyle Schmidt
God has a plan to reach the world and each of us have a unique role in his mission. Join missionaries to West Africa, Kyle and Danae Schmidt, in exploring God’s plan, and how he wants to use you in a specific way to be a part of his mission in the world.
Bio: Kyle and Danae both grew up in Corn, OK, went to Corn Bible Academy where they were high school sweethearts, and got married in 2009 after graduating from Tabor College. Their faith has led them into some pretty exciting adventures with Jesus – church mission trips, Multiply’s 10-month TREK program, building and living in a Tiny House, being a part of the Multiply mobilization team. Each of these steps have been a part of the journey leading them into a life of cross cultural mission as missionaries with Multiply (formerly MB Mission). They are excited to join God on mission as they use the gifts and skills he has given them to serve a nationally led ministry in an unreached country in West Africa.
Be a Joy Giver
New Mexico Hall B | LAB 1 & 2 | By Kathlene Smith
Do you get overwhelmed by the brokenness of the world? Do you wish there was something you could do to help? Let’s talk about some ways to spread love and share joy through drama, story telling, and encouragement.
Bio: Kat Smith is a speaker/actress from the performing group onetimeblind who loves Jesus, writing, and large cups of coffee. She tells stories with passion and soul-deep truth from daily life and Scripture. Kat makes her home in Metro Detroit, Michigan, with her husband Drew and son Asher, and hangs out with a great group of high school girls whom she frequently bribes with candy.
Portable Theology – Why We Sing Songs In The Church and How We Should Lead The Church in the Songs We Sing
New Mexico Hall A | LAB 1 & 2 | By Jake Stemo
Portable Theology- Why we sing songs in the church and how we should lead the church in the songs we sing. John 4 says “The true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth” In this workshop we will be explaining from the bible why we should sing songs in the church and what life of true worship looks like. Then we will have a conversation about how we should do this and how we should lead the church in the songs we sing.

Making Peace With Conflict
Holcomb Roo0m 405 | LAB 1 & 2 | By Jess Stolzfus Buller
How do you deal with conflict…are you a shark, a teddy bear, a turtle, an owl or a fox? Conflict is a normal part of life and learning how to manage difference is important. Conflict has the ability to rip apart communities and lives, or it can be transformative when we follow Jesus’ example. Paul reminds us that Christ has empowered us to be ministers of reconciliation, so it is vital to develop skills of healthy dialogue and conflict transformation. Come to this interactive Lab to learn what your conflict style is and practice skills of conflict resolution!
Bio: Jes grew up in Goshen, Indiana and attended Goshen College, graduating with a double-major in Bible, Religion, Philosophy and Sociology. After graduation, she moved to Colombia, South America with Mennonite Central Committee and ended up staying and working there for eight years with a local, Anabaptist organization. She did peace building work, community development and regional networking in efforts to make Colombia a more peaceful place. Jes also met and married her husband there. Due to a bad motorcycle accident, she returned to the States in the summer of 2016 and began in the role of Peace Education Coordinator for MCC US. She is excited about the possibilities that can come from working with churches to educate and work toward peace. She misses a lot about Colombia, but loves spending her free time being outside and coaching volleyball. Her favorite activity, however, is spending time with her family and especially her beautiful 15-month-old daughter, Belén!
Project: Serve – Seek to Serve
Holcomb Room 208 | Lab 1 & 2 | By Lee Waldron
A look into the heart of project:serve and how you can get involved with your friends. We will hear more about the Hillsboro Mennonite Brethren Youth Groups project serve experience and you will have a chance to ask them questions. Our hope is you will leave encouraged and resourced to meet needs in your communities.
Bio: Lee Waldron is a Residential Educator and Sports Chaplain at Tabor College. He resides on campus with his wife, Sara Jo, and their three children. They are members of the Hillsboro Mennonite Brethren Church where Sara Jo serves as the full-time Youth Pastor. Leeand Sara Jo are co-activity directors for the Southern District Conference Senior High Youth Camp held every summer. Lee is the Director of Project Serve and has a heart for seeing youth engage their faith.
Not in My Backyard – Becoming an Ally in the Fight Against Human Trafficking
Aspen Cafe | LAB 1 & 2 | By Christa Wiens
Human trafficking – you’ve probably heard the term, but what does it really mean? Where is it happening? Could it happen to me? Come and learn what modern-day slavery looks like, who is vulnerable, and how we can bring about change.
Bio: Christa began teaching in 2000, both in California and Oregon, as an elementary teachers and then a literacy coordinator. After spending several years at home with her own children, Christa learned about human trafficking and felt God calling her to get involved. She has been working with Central Valley Justice Coalition since 2014, first as a volunteer, and now as the Education Coordinator, creating curriculum and leading classes for both adults and youth.
LABS #2 ONLY | 11:00 – 12:00 p.m.
Toppling Tables and Turning Cheeks: When Can Christians Use Violence and When Can’t We
Holcomb Room 101 | LAB 2 Only | By Trent Voth
The world is a violent place. How are Christians supposed to engage with that? The Bible has some instructions that seem to prohibit us from using violence and some stories that seem to allow it. How are we supposed to engage with that!? In this lab, we’ll talk about Christians and violence – yes, self-defense and military violence, but also violence in our homes, communities, schools.
Bio: Trent Voth grew up as an MB in Kansas and pastored in California. He’s studied at Tabor, Fresno Pacific and is now a PhD candidate in Biblical Studies at the University of Toronto. This is his 5th YouthCon and 4th facilitating labs.
Faith in Healing Through Trauma
Holcomb Room 201 | LAB 2 Only | By Vicencia Adundis
To normalize conversations surrounding trauma, God’s presence in that pain, and how healing can occur with the abundance of grace, time and support (i.e. community, church, therapy, etc). This topic will be facilitated through story-telling of presenter’s experiences with various forms of trauma and her journey of transformational healing and forgiveness through the power of Christ.
Bio: Vicencia was born and raised in Fresno, CA. She is a first generation Mexican American. She works full-time at Fresno Pacific University and is a part-time graduate student at Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary, where she is pursuing a Master of Arts in Community Leadership & Transformation. Vicencia is a shark-bite survivor; it’s not her proudest moment, but to make things even crazier, it happened in the desert! She loves living life in the outdoors, and has lost count how many times she has hiked up Half Dome in Yosemite National Park in the middle of the night. She does not have a spouse (yet), thus, no offspring. However, she is dating the sweetest redheaded and freckly human in California.
Church – Why Bother?
Holcomb Room 304 | LAB 2 Only | Rick Bartlet
Join Tabor College teacher of Ministry Entrepreneurship and Innovation for an honest, judgment-free, conversation about Church.
Bio: Rick is the director of the Tabor College MA degree in Ministry Entrepreneurship and Innovation, helping students see a need and fill it in their local context. He’s been married to Karen for 33 years and they have two children in college. In his spare time, Rick can be found running or playing X-box. He and Karen live in Wichita, KS.