We have several options to help with your development as a youth worker. Join us in our Youth Worker Network Facebook group to hear all the latest updates and to ask any questions you might have.
LEAD Cohort: Youth Ministry Realities
Get to know other youth workers and engage in a passionate discussion focused on the realities we face as youth workers. We will explore topics relevant to the group, such as personal leadership development and spiritual growth, recruiting and training volunteers or talk about Jesus with teens in the culture. The possibilities are endless.
Cost is free and it's over ZOOM about twice a month for one hour.
This cohort will be led by Russ Claassen, SDC district youth minister. Russ lives in North Newton, Kansas.
CLICK HERE for more information.
LEAD Coaching Program:
LEAD Coaching is an intentional, ongoing life-on-life relationship that empowers the person being coached to realize their full potential, purpose, confidence, courage, joy, and vocational accomplishment.
Trained coaches are skilled at listening, asking powerful questions, defining goals, helping you develop relevant action plans and providing the accountability and support for you to succeed.
CLICK HERE for more information.