Looking for a podcast to deal with those awkward moments of ministry? I (Kyle) has partnered with another youth worker DJ Toelle (also a contributor to this blog) to bring about some helpful hints and tips each week so we all can HANDLE AWKWARD BETTER. It’s a brand new adventure for both of us so we are pretty excited to see what God has in store for this. If you have an awkward topic that you would like to discuss just contact us on Instagram @theetapodcast, join our Facebook Group or email us at theetapodcast@gmail.com
Find the podcast on all the major services or CLICK HERE.
Episode 3: Wowing Your Leaders
Your leaders are the lifeblood of your ministry. Caring well for your leaders, physically and spiritually, can only impact your ministry positively. In this episode, Kyle and DJ give some practical tips and advice that can be integrated in to your ministry easily!
Episode 2: Keep Your Programming Weird
Kyle and DJ talk about programming, why it’s important to your ministry, and give some practical ideas to keep things weird!
Episode 1: Dating As A Youth Worker
In this episode, Kyle and DJ discuss one of the most awkward things in youth ministry. Dating as Youth Worker. Your relationship is an example for your students, and they are watching.
Episode 0: Here’s What You Need to Know
How this whole thing got started…